
Input type to create return order

Input Fields

ref (String!)

External reference of the return order. Must be unique.
Max character limit: 100.

retailer (RetailerId!)

Retailer reference of return orders

type (String!)

Type of the return order.
Max character limit: 50.

attributes ([AttributeInput])

A list of attributes of the return order. Attributes can be used to extend the existing data structure with additional data for use in orchestration rules, etc.

customer (CustomerKey!)

Customer reference of the return order. This links the customer to return order

order (OrderLinkInput)

Linked order for this return order

returnVerifications ([CreateReturnVerificationWithReturnOrderInput])

List of return verifications associated with the return order

returnAuthorisationKey (String)

The generated key representing an authorised return order which the customer can use to progress through the return order proces

returnAuthorisationDisposition (SettingValueTypeInput)

The authorised disposition for this return order. This can be different to the return disposition action which reflects the actual action once an item has been inspected

returnAuthorisationKeyExpiry (DateTime)

The time at which the return authorisation expires

pickupAddress (StreetAddressInput)

The pickup address in the cases of return orders that are being picked up by a carrier

lodgedLocation (LocationLinkInput)

The lodged location in cases where the return order was directly returned to a store or DC

destinationLocation (LocationLinkInput)

The destination of the return order items

returnOrderItems ([CreateReturnOrderItemWithReturnOrderInput!]!)

The list of associated return order items

exchangeOrder (OrderLinkInput)

The associated exchange order managed the exchange item

creditMemo (CreditMemoKey)

The associated credit memo for this return order

currency (CurrencyKey!)

The currency of this return

defaultTaxType (TaxTypeInput!)

The default Tax Type for this return order. Individual return order items can override

subTotalAmount (AmountTypeInput!)

The total amount of this return order excluding tax

totalTax (AmountTypeInput!)

The total amount of tax for this return order

totalAmount (AmountTypeInput!)

The total amount of this return order including tax