
Input type to create return order items when creating a return order

Input Fields

ref (String!)

External reference. Must be unique.
Max character limit: 100.

type (String!)

Max character limit: 50.

attributes ([AttributeInput])

A list of attributes. Attributes can be used to extend the existing data structure with additional data for use in orchestration rules, etc.

product (ProductKey!)

Product reference of return order item

orderItem (OrderItemLinkInput)

Order item of return order item. This field is optional

returnReason (SettingValueTypeInput)

Reason for returning the item

returnReasonComment (String)

Additional comments related to the returning item

returnCondition (SettingValueTypeInput)

The condition in which the return item was received

returnConditionComment (String)

An optional comment. Required if the condition code required further information such as 'Other'.

returnPaymentAction (SettingValueTypeInput)

The actual payment action taken for this return item

returnDispositionAction (SettingValueTypeInput)

The actual disposition action taken for this return item

unitQuantity (QuantityTypeInput!)

Return quantity

unitAmount (AmountTypeInput!)

Unit price of the returning item

unitTaxType (TaxTypeInput)

Unit tax type of the retuning item

itemTaxAmount (AmountTypeInput!)

Item tax amount of the returning item

itemAmount (AmountTypeInput!)

Item total amount of returning item