


id (ID!)

ID of the object. For internal use, should not be used externally or by any business logic

createdOn (DateTime)

Time of creation

updatedOn (DateTime)

Time of last update

ref (String!)

The reference identifier used to identify an entity

type (String!)

Type of the VirtualPosition, typically used by the Orchestration Engine to determine the workflow that should be applied. Unless stated otherwise, no values are enforced by the platform.

status (String)

The current status of the VirtualPosition.
By default, the initial value will be CREATED, however no other status values are enforced by the platform.
The status field is also used within ruleset selection during orchestration. For more info, see Orchestration

workflowRef (String!)

The reference used for workflow identification. This is defined by a combination of the entity name and the type, in the format [EntityName]::[Type]. For example, an Order of type CC will have the workflowRef "ORDER::CC".

workflowVersion (Int!)

The version of the workflow assigned to the entity and used for workflow identification. It comprises a major version and minor version number.

attributes ([Attribute])

List of Attribute containing meta data information for an entity

productRef (String)

Product reference

product (Product)

The Product (Standard, Variant or Group) the current virtual position refers to.

  • Only products in the same product catalogue are considered in this association
  • The caller must have permission to access the underlying product - PRODUCT_VIEW for all products, plus STANDARDPRODUCT_VIEW for StandardProduct, VARIANTPRODUCT_VIEW for VariantProduct, GROUPPRODUCT_VIEW for GroupProduct.
  • If there are several products with the same ref in the corresponding product catalogue, the product returned will be selected by priority: GroupProduct -> VariantProduct -> StandardProduct
locationLink (Location)

The Agent Location

quantity (Int)

On hand quantity

groupRef (String)

Group - reference to Location or Category

catalogue (VirtualCatalogue)
