
Opening hours for a location


id (ID!)

ID of the object

createdOn (DateTime)

Time of creation

updatedOn (DateTime)

Time of last update

allHours (Boolean!)

Is the location open 24hrs

monEnd (Int!)

Closing time on Monday (HHmm)

monStart (Int!)

Opening time on Monday (HHmm).

tueEnd (Int!)

Closing time on Tuesday (HHmm)

tueStart (Int!)

Opening time on Tuesday (HHmm)

wedEnd (Int!)

Closing time on Wednesday (HHmm)

wedStart (Int!)

Opening time on Wednesday (HHmm)

thuEnd (Int!)

Closing time on Thursday (HHmm)

thuStart (Int!)

Opening time on Thursday (HHmm)

friEnd (Int!)

Closing time on Friday (HHmm)

friStart (Int!)

Opening time on Friday (HHmm)

satEnd (Int!)

Closing time on Saturday (HHmm)

satStart (Int!)

Opening time on Saturday (HHmm)

sunEnd (Int!)

Closing time on Sunday (HHmm)

sunStart (Int!)

Opening time on Sunday (HHmm)