


id (ID!)

ID of the object

createdOn (DateTime)

Date and time of creation

updatedOn (DateTime)

Date and time of last update

ref (String!)

External reference to the InvoiceItem. Must be unique.

type (String)

Type of the InvoiceItem, typically used by the Orchestration Engine to determine the workflow that should be applied.

description (String)

A description of the source item. In the case of product source items this can be the name.

product (ProductLink)

Associated product for this invoice item.

unitQuantity (QuantityType)

`The total quantity of the source item. Should default to 0

unitTaxType (TaxType)

The tax type of this item. Should only be provided if different to the default invoice tax type.

unitAmount (AmountType)

The unit price of the source item.

amount (AmountType)

The item amount for this item excluding tax

taxAmount (AmountType)

The tax amount for this item. If not present at the item level, tax amount should be generated based on the tax type set at the invoice parent level.

invoice (Invoice)

The Invoice this object is associated with