
Input fields

input (UpdateConsignmentInput)

Return fields

id (ID!)

ID of the object

createdOn (DateTime)

Time of creation

updatedOn (DateTime)

Time of last update

ref (String)

External reference of the object. Recommended to be unique.

status (String)

The status of the consignment

consignmentReference (String!)

The external consignment reference assigned by the carrier

trackingLabel (String)

Tracking label of the consignment

labelUrl (String)

The URL used to retrieve the shipping label

orderSummaryUrl (String)

A url to represent the order summary. Usually the manifest url from the service provider.

carrier (Carrier)

Carrier used for the consignment

retailer (Retailer)

Retailer who is booking the consignment

workflowRef (String!)

The reference used for workflow identification

workflowVersion (Int!)

The version of the workflow

attributes ([Attribute])

A list of attributes associated with this Consignment. This can be used to extend the existing data structure with additional data for use in orchestration rules, etc.