
Creates a 'Return order item'

Input fields

input (CreateReturnOrderItemInput)

Return fields

id (ID!)

ID of the object

createdOn (DateTime)

Date and time of creation

updatedOn (DateTime)

Date and time of last update

ref (String!)

External reference for Return Order. Must be unique.

attributes ([Attribute])

List of attributes associated with the return order

status (String!)

Status of the return order

product (ProductLink)

Associated product with the return order

orderItem (OrderItemLink)

Associated order item of the return order

returnReason (SettingValueType)

The reason for returning this return order item.

returnReasonComment (String)

An optional comment. Required if the reason code required further information such as 'Other'.

returnCondition (SettingValueType)

The condition in which the return item was received.

returnConditionComment (String)

An optional comment. Required if the condition code required further information such as 'Other'.

returnOrder (ReturnOrder)

Return order associated with the order item

returnPaymentAction (SettingValueType)

The actual payment action taken for this return item.

returnDispositionAction (SettingValueType)

The actual payment action taken for this return item.

unitQuantity (QuantityType)

Unit Quantity

unitAmount (AmountType)

Unit Amount

unitTaxType (TaxType)

Unit TaxType

itemTaxAmount (AmountType)

Item Amount

itemAmount (AmountType)

Item TaxAmount