
This mutation creates a FinancialTransaction, an orchestratable entity inside the Fluent ecosystem. If the FinancialTransaction is successfully created, a CREATE event will be generate associated with the mutation.
A sample of the event generated:
    "name": "CREATE",
    "type": "NORMAL",
    "entityRef": "FINANCIALTRANSACTION-001",
    "retailerId": "1",
    "accountId": "ACCOUNT_ID"
Creates a 'Financial Transaction'

Input fields

input (CreateFinancialTransactionInput)

Return fields

id (ID!)

ID of the object

createdOn (DateTime)

Time of creation

updatedOn (DateTime)

Time of last update

type (String!)

Type of the FinancialTransaction, typically used by the Orchestration Engine to determine the workflow that should be applied. Unless stated otherwise, no values are enforced by the platform.

status (String)

The current status of the FinancialTransaction.
By default, the initial value will be CREATED, however no other status values are enforced by the platform.
The status field is also used within ruleset selection during orchestration. For more info, see Orchestration

workflowRef (String!)

The reference used for workflow identification. This is defined by a combination of the entity name and the type, in the format [EntityName]::[Type]. For example, an Order of type CC will have the workflowRef "ORDER::CC".

workflowVersion (Int!)

The version of the workflow assigned to the entity and used for workflow identification. It comprises a major version and minor version number.

ref (String)

The unique transaction reference provided by the Retailer to the payment gateway

total (Float!)

The total transaction amount

scale (Int)

The number of digits to scale down to

unscaledValue (Int)

The unscaled value

currency (String!)

Currency used for the transaction.

externalTransactionCode (String)

The unique transaction code or request code provided by the payment gateway

externalTransactionId (String)

The unique transaction ID or request ID provided by the payment gateway

cardType (String)

The card type used for the payment

paymentMethod (String)

The way in which payment was made. Platform provides support for the following payment methods - 'CREDITCARD', 'PAYPAL', 'GIFTVOUCHER', 'CASH', 'AFTERPAY'. However, these can be overridden/configured per client as settings

paymentProviderName (String)

The name of the payment gateway. Platform provided values are 'CYBERSOURCE', 'GIVEX', 'PAYPAL', 'BRAINTREE', 'AFTERPAY'. However, these can be overridden/configured per client as settings using 'PAYMENT.PROVIDER'

order (Order)

Order associated with the transaction

attributes ([Attribute])