
Creates a new 'Billing account'

Input fields

input (CreateBillingAccountInput)

Return fields

id (ID!)

ID of the object.

createdOn (DateTime)

Date and time of creation.

updatedOn (DateTime)

Date and time of last update.

ref (String!)

External reference to the BillingAccount. Must be unique.

attributes ([Attribute])

A list of attributes associated with the BillingAccount. This can be used to extend the existing data structure with additional data.

type (String)

Type of the BillingAccount, typically used by the Orchestration Engine to determine the workflow that should be applied.

status (String)

Status of the BillingAccount.

retailer (RetailerLink)

Retailer associated to the BillingAccount.

customer (CustomerLink)

Customer associated to the BillingAccount.

name (String)

Name of the BillingAccount.

address (StreetAddress)

Address associated to the BillingAccount.

workflow (WorkflowLink)

The reference to the workflow associated.

workflowRef (String)
Deprecation notice

No longer supported

DEPRECATED, please use the field workflow instead - The reference of the workflow.

workflowVersion (String)
Deprecation notice

No longer supported

DEPRECATED, please use the field workflow instead - The version of the workflow.