
Updates an existing Users details

Input Fields

id (ID!)

ID of the object

ref (String)

External reference of the object. Recommended to be unique.
Max character limit: 100.

password (String)

User Password. Max character limit: 128.

title (String)

The user's title. For example Mr., Miss, Dr., Ms. etc
Max character limit: 50.

firstName (String)

User's first name.
Max character limit: 50.

lastName (String)

User's last name.
Max character limit: 50.

primaryEmail (String)

User's primary email.
Max character limit: 250.

primaryPhone (String)

User's primary phone number.
Max character limit: 20.

type (String)

Type of the user. For example ADMIN, RETAILER, LOCATION etc

status (String)

Status of the user.
Max character limit: 50.

apiKey (String)

API Key. To be used with the Fluent Widget.
Max character limit: 128.

attributes ([AttributeInput])

A list of attributes associated with this object. This can be used to extend the existing data structure with additional data for use in orchestration rules, etc.

department (String)


country (String)

Max character limit: 100.

timezone (String)

Max character limit: 32.

language (SettingValueTypeInput)

User language (leave null to allow users to self-select their language preference)

promotionOptIn (Boolean)

Determines if the user has opted to receive promotions

primaryRetailer (RetailerId)

User's retailer context

primaryLocation (LocationId)

User's location context

roles ([UserRoleInput])

A list of roles to be assigned to the user. This operation works in an upsert fashion i.e. any previously assigned roles to the user will not be removed; only new ones will be added.