
Input parameter for the updateGroupProduct mutation. A group product ref is unique within the bounds of the specified catalogue, which together makes up the unique identifier for the GroupProduct record.

During an update mutation, the following fields behave in an "UPSERT" or UPDATE / INSERT manner:

Input Fields

ref (String!)

The unique reference identifier for the Product.
Max character limit: 100.

catalogue (ProductCatalogueKey!)

The Product Catalogue in which this Product is managed

type (String)

Type of the GroupProduct, typically used by the Orchestration Engine to determine the workflow that should be applied. Unless stated otherwise, no values are enforced by the platform.
Max character limit: 50.

status (String)

The current status of the GroupProduct.
By default, the initial value will be CREATED, however no other status values are enforced by the platform.
The status field is also used within ruleset selection during orchestration. For more info, see Orchestration
Max character limit: 50.

attributes ([AttributeInput])

A list of attributes associated with this Product. This can be used to extend the existing data structure with additional data for use in orchestration rules, etc.

name (String)

The name of the Product

summary (String)

A short description of the Product (max 255 chars)

categories ([CategoryKey])

A list of references to the Category's to which this Product relates. Product categories must be a part of the same ProductCatalogue (see catalogue field). The Category must already exist.

prices ([PriceInput])

A list of Prices for this Product

taxType (TaxTypeInput)

The tax information for this Product

products ([ProductKey])

A list of Products within the group