
Input type to create one or more PaymentTransaction when a Payment is created.

Input Fields

ref (String!)

External reference to the PaymentTransaction. Must be unique.
Max character limit: 100.

type (String!)

Type of the PaymentTransaction, typically used by the Orchestration Engine to determine the workflow that should be applied. Common types that are used are: CAPTURE REFUND, AUTHORIZATION.
Max character limit: 25.

status (String)

Status of the PaymentTransaction.
Max character limit: 25.

amount (AmountTypeInput!)

The total amount of this PaymentTransaction

currency (CurrencyKey!)

The currency used in this Payment.

authorizationKey (String)

The Authorization Key of this PaymentTransaction if it is of 'PreAuth'

cardType (String)

The Card type used in this PaymentTransaction. Some example values are: 'MASTERCARD', 'VISA', 'AMEX', 'DINERS', 'SPAN', 'DISCOVER', 'UNIONPAY', 'JCB', 'MAESTRO', 'INTERAC'.

paymentMethod (String!)

The payment method used in this PaymentTransaction. Some example values are: 'CREDITCARD', 'GIFTCARD', 'COUPON'.

paymentServiceProvider (PaymentServiceProviderKey!)

The payment servicer provider for this PaymentTransaction

attributes ([AttributeInput])

A list of attributes associated with the PaymentTransaction. This can be used to extend the existing data structure with additional data.