
Input type to create an OrderItem with an Order. Intended to be used as an inline input in the createOrder mutation.

Input Fields

ref (String!)

External reference for the object. Recommended to be unique.

productRef (String!)

External reference for the associated product.

productCatalogueRef (String)

External reference for the product catalogue containing the associated product (specified using the productRef in this object). A product is always associated with a catalogue, that's why we recommend that you always pass a productCatalogueRef. However, if you are using the compatibility catalogue, you don't need to pass in this value as that's the default catalogue

fulfilmentChoiceRef (String)

Represents the FulfilmentChoice corresponding to this object

quantity (Int!)

Quantity ordered

paidPrice (Float)

Price paid. Excludes tax.

currency (String)

Currency. Should ideally be a 3 letter ISO currency code. For instance AUD.

price (Float)


taxPrice (Float)

Tax price

taxType (String)

Tax type. Supported values are GST, VAT, EXCLTAX.

totalPrice (Float)

Total price

totalTaxPrice (Float)

Total tax price

attributes ([AttributeInput])

List of OrderItem attributes. There's expected a JSON object