
Input Fields

ref (String!)

External reference to the CreditMemo. Must be unique.
Max character limit: 100.

type (String!)

Type of the CreditMemo, typically used by the Orchestration Engine to determine the workflow that should be applied.
Max character limit: 50.

attributes ([AttributeInput])

A list of attributes associated with the CreditMemo. This can be used to extend the existing data structure with additional data.

billingAccount (BillingAccountKey!)

BillingAccount associated with the CreditMemo.

items ([CreateCreditMemoItemWithCreditMemoInput])

The CreditMemoItems associated with this CreditMemo.

invoice (InvoiceKey)

Invoice associated with this CreditMemo.

order (OrderLinkInput)

Reference to an Order associated with the CreditMemo.

returnOrder (ReturnOrderKey)

Reference to a ReturnOrder associated with the CreditMemo.

issueDate (DateTime!)

Issue date

currency (CurrencyKey!)

Reference to the Currency.

defaultTaxType (TaxTypeInput!)

The default Tax Type for this credit memo. Individual credit memo items can override

subTotalAmount (AmountTypeInput!)

The total amount of this credit memo excluding tax

totalTax (AmountTypeInput!)

The total amount of tax for this credit memo

totalAmount (AmountTypeInput!)

The total amount of this credit memo including tax

totalBalance (AmountTypeInput!)

The total amount of this credit memo yet to be paid. (This caters for multi-part payments and payment milestones)